What Wood Is Safe For Bearded Dragons?

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Bearded dragons are popular pets that require specific care and attention to maintain their health and well-being. One essential aspect of their care is providing a suitable habitat, including a safe and appropriate substrate. As bearded dragons are known to explore and even ingest their surroundings, choosing the right type of wood is crucial. Some types of wood can pose a risk to their health, while others can be beneficial. In this article, we will explore the various types of wood that are safe for bearded dragons and the ones to avoid.


What types of wood are unsafe for bearded dragons?

Before we dive into the safe types of wood for bearded dragons, it’s crucial to know which types of wood to avoid. Some types of wood can be toxic to bearded dragons and cause health issues. Some of the woods to avoid:

  • Cedar and Pine: These types of woods contain natural oils that are toxic to reptiles, causing respiratory problems, skin irritation, and liver damage.
  • Redwood: This wood contains tannins that can cause digestive issues and liver damage.
  • Plywood and MDF: These types of woods are usually treated with chemicals that can be harmful to reptiles.
  • Oak and Hickory: These types of woods contain high levels of tannins and can cause digestive issues.


What types of wood are safe for bearded dragons?

Now that we know which types of wood to avoid let’s discuss the types of wood that are safe for bearded dragons. Here are some of the best types of wood that are safe for bearded dragons:

  1. a) Grapevine wood: This type of wood is an excellent choice for bearded dragons. It’s lightweight, easy to clean, and provides a great climbing and basking spot for your pet.
  2. b) Driftwood: Driftwood is another safe type of wood for bearded dragons. It’s also lightweight, easy to clean, and provides an excellent basking spot for your pet.
  3. c) Mopani wood: Mopani wood is a hardwood that comes from Africa. It’s an excellent choice for bearded dragons as it provides a natural environment and a great basking spot for your pet.
  4. d) Manzanita wood: This type of wood is a hardwood that’s very durable and long-lasting. It’s also an excellent choice for bearded dragons as it provides a great climbing and basking spot.
  5. e) Cholla wood: Cholla wood is a type of cactus wood that’s a safe choice for bearded dragons. It provides a natural look and is great for climbing and basking.


How to prepare the wood for your bearded dragon?

Before introducing any wood to your bearded dragon’s enclosure, it’s essential to prepare it correctly. First, you should clean the wood with warm water and a mild soap to remove any dirt or debris. Next, you should sterilize the wood by boiling it in water for at least 30 minutes. This process will kill any bacteria, fungi, or parasites that may be present in the wood. Finally, you should let the wood dry thoroughly before introducing it to your bearded dragon’s enclosure.


How to maintain the wood in your bearded dragon’s enclosure?

Wood can be a great addition to your bearded dragon’s enclosure as it can provide them with a naturalistic environment. However, it is important to maintain the wood properly to prevent bacteria and parasites from growing.

Clean the wood regularly: You can use a mixture of water and vinegar to clean the wood regularly. Use a soft brush to scrub the surface gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents as they can damage the wood and harm your bearded dragon.

Remove any mold or mildew: If you notice any mold or mildew growing on the wood, it is important to remove it immediately. Use a mixture of water and bleach to clean the affected area. Rinse it thoroughly and let it dry completely before returning it to the enclosure.

Sand the wood: Over time, the wood can become rough and splintered. Sand the surface of the wood with sandpaper to make it smooth and prevent any injuries to your bearded dragon.

Replace the wood: If the wood becomes too damaged or starts to rot, it is important to replace it with new wood. This will prevent any harmful bacteria or parasites from growing and keep your bearded dragon healthy.



In conclusion, choosing the right wood for your bearded dragon’s habitat is crucial for their health and safety. Avoid using softwoods like pine and cedar as they can release harmful chemicals that can harm your pet. Instead, opt for hardwoods like oak, maple, and hickory, as they are safe and long-lasting. When selecting wood, ensure that it has not been treated with any chemicals or pesticides, and clean it thoroughly before placing it in your pet’s enclosure. By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and healthy environment for your bearded dragon to thrive in.

Gerald Thomas

Gerald Thomas

Bearded dragons are awesome!

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