Why Do Bearded Dragons Close Their Eyes?

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Animal and human behavior can be similar while also implying whole different meanings. Bearded dragons’ eyes are closed for what reason? Does that imply they are having fun with something? Or perhaps they are tired?

Bearded dragons display discomfort by closing their eyes. This gesture can be directed against people or even other bearded dragons. Additionally, ocular infections can be the cause of this behavior.

Do bearded dragons close their eyes to express their disapproval of something every time they do so, or are there exceptions? Whenever your bearded dragon closes its eyes, should you stop touching it? Continue reading to learn more.


What Are The Reasons Bearded Dragons Close Their Eyes?

Your bearded dragon’s eyes may be closed for a variety of causes. It is believed that a beardie will act in this way to avoid difficulty if he feels threatened or challenged by a predator.

In particular, intense eye contact or protracted staring are intended to be threatening or challenging to these lizards and other animals in nature. As a result, his behavior indicates that he is not interested in engaging in this circumstance.

This tendency is also seen in pet stores where bearded dragons are kept in huge groups.

Male dragons can’t get along with other male dragons since they are loners and territorial, and this conduct indicates that he just wants to subjugate the others.

The reasons your beard might be closing its eyes will be discussed in the remaining paragraphs of this section.


1. When Being Stroked

You would be mistaken if you assumed that your bearded dragon was enjoying being stroked if you noticed him closing his eyes. The majority of people think that this conduct is a sign of comfort because that is what people do when they are happy.

But people also behave in such ways when they are terrified or scared.

Similarly, your bearded dragon is simply uncomfortable and wants to be left alone if he closes his eyes when being stroked.

It might not be the best moment to pet him in this situation, so you should give him some time and room.

Your dragon might be under a lot of stress if you notice eye-closing followed by a black, puffed beard, therefore you should stop immediately away.


2. When being held

Your pet is merely trying to express that he dislikes being carried, which can stress him out, similar to the circumstance where your bearded dragon closes his eyes when stroked.

In particular, when held, your dragon cannot escape; as a result, he is more likely to get violent and bite you.

However, if he maintains his composure and keeps his eyes open, he is perfectly well and at ease when being held.

You just need to be patient because sometimes it takes time for your pet and you to become buddies.


3. When Basking

When basking, it’s common practice to close your eyes. We don’t understand the precise cause of this. The beardy might just be napping.

Bearded dragons do close their eyes while they are sleeping, but typically just when it is dark. It can imply that the UVB light is too close for comfort in the basking location.

A reptile may become blind if the light is too strong or too close, according to several documented cases. Move the light further from your bearded dragon’s resting place if you notice that it constantly closes its eyes when basking. This might be beneficial.


4. An Eye Infection

Infection is another factor that could be influencing your pet’s behavior.

If your beardie consistently exhibits this behavior, even before you pet or handle him, there may be a problem, so pay special attention to him.

I urge you to take your pet to a professional veterinarian for inspection in this cage because a physical problem like this can occasionally make things more difficult.


Why Does My Bearded Dragon Close One Eye?

Even if your pet appears to be winking at you, don’t assume that this is cute behavior.

Although among the sharpest reptiles, bearded dragons are not very brilliant. One eye closing in your pet is a warning sign that something isn’t right.

It doesn’t act in this way in reaction to an outside stimulus (like your touching it); everything is internal. Infections or parasites are the two most frequent causes of one eye shutting.

When receiving parasite treatment, beardies exhibit this behavior more frequently than beardies that are parasite-free. If a foreign object is lodged in its eye, that is the second most typical explanation.

Find anything that is lodged there and, if it’s safe for the reptile, remove it. Watch the beardy after that to see whether it goes away in a day. Take your pet to the vet for a checkup if it doesn’t.


Do Bearded Dragons Close Their Eyes While Sleeping?

Yes, bearded dragons do shut their eyes at night. When it gets dark, they go to sleep. They will open their eyes if the room they are resting in is too bright.

I’ve often been puzzled why people ask that, but I believe I now know the reason. Many people attempt to observe their bearded dragons sleeping in the dark using a flashlight or the light from their smartphones.

In these circumstances, bearded dragons frequently open their eyelids, giving the impression that they are sleeping.

Always check to see if your bearded dragon has enough hides to sleep or if the room where the tank is located is entirely dark when it’s time for bed.



As you can see, bearded dragons do not wish to demonstrate to you that they like being pet by closing their eyelids. The reality is the exact opposite.

This does not obligate you to pause so that you can pet your bearded dragon. It implies that you should moderate your pace. Give your bearded dragon some time to become accustomed to you and new circumstances, such as being held.

Because they are intelligent creatures, bearded dragons will recognize that you don’t wish to hurt them.

Gerald Thomas

Gerald Thomas

Bearded dragons are awesome!

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