Leatherback Bearded Dragons: The Ultimate Care Guide

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Bearded dragons come in various “morphs,” like certain other reptiles. Simply said, these morphs are various variations of the reptile. Each morph varies slightly from the others in terms of scale dispersion, size, and color. So even though it differs slightly from a typical or regular bearded dragon, a leatherback is still a bearded dragon.

The scales on this morph are what differentiate it the most. Unlike typical bearded dragons, which have spiked scales covering their entire backs, leatherbacks have smooth backs, which is how they got their name. Unlike the silk back morph, leatherback bearded dragons still have scales, but those on their back are much thinner and smoother than those of a typical bearded dragon. Their heads and flanks will still be covered with sharp scales. Although the severity of this may vary from person to person.

The typical length of a leatherback bearded dragon is from 16 to 22 inches. Some may, however, stray a little outside of this range; some owners claim their full-grown dogs measure 25 inches long! Their tail length is included in this measurement. Despite having considerably smaller scales than a typical bearded dragon, they are often extremely comparable in size.


What Colors do Leatherback Bearded Dragons Come In?

The size of the scales distinguishes the various leatherback morphs. However, because they are smoother and smaller than those of a typical bearded dragon, these scales frequently appear to be more pigmented. Their popularity is greatly influenced by this. There are many different colors available for leatherbacks, including:

  • Red
  • Tan
  • Yellow
  • Browns
  • And more

A leatherback with a pattern, such as a tiger leatherback bearded dragon, which has stripes running down its back, may also be found. The red leatherback bearded dragon and the citrus leatherback bearded dragon are two of the most well-liked hues. As a result, it can take you a bit longer to locate a reputable breeder who offers these colors.


Are Leatherback Bearded Dragons Friendly?

In comparison to other reptiles, Leatherback Bearded Dragons are thought to be sociable and considerably calmer around humans. These creatures are hostile to one another despite this. You should leave bearded dragons alone because of this.

Even yet, compared to other reptiles, bearded dragons are significantly friendlier and better suited for human care. Always wash your hands before handling the animal and again thereafter. When first handled, Leatherback Bearded Dragons are known to run a little, but they quickly become used to it and don’t turn hostile.

Make sure to hold these animals flat while handling them. Never cradle them. Their body should be in this position since it is more natural. Simply so that the beardie can get used to its new environment, we advise keeping it alone for the first week after you bring it home.


How To Keep Leatherback Bearded Dragon Healthy?

The right environment and diet are crucial for maintaining your Leatherback Bearded Dragon’s health.

Assuring that your Leatherback Bearded Dragon has the ideal lighting, temperature, and humidity can help to promote its health. Similarly, ensuring further health and welfare includes giving animals a varied diet that includes veggies, insects, and vitamin supplements.


Typical Health Problems

Because they are susceptible to metabolic bone disease, bearded dragons have strict requirements for lighting, temperature, and humidity. Lack of UV sunlight or a calcium deficit are two common causes of this condition.



Bearded dragons on leatherbacks are said to be relatively healthy reptiles. They can survive between 7 and 12 years in captivity.

Premature death is typically caused by a problem with their cage or nutrition. Your bearded dragon can live the longest possible life if you properly follow the recommendations in this tutorial.



When it comes to mating, the male will try to court the female by circling her and darkening its throat. The woman will flatten her body out if she agrees. The male will then start biting the female’s neck and start copulating.

In the spring and early summer, this courtship and breeding phase takes place. Many breeders drive their reptiles into brumation before breeding them because this frequently occurs after brumation in the wild.

A nest box must be provided after copulation since these animals bury their eggs. With 10 inches of sand or earth, make a nest box. The females will produce three distinct clutches, each containing about 35 eggs.

Once the female has laid her eggs, remove the nest box and place it inside an incubator once the female has laid her eggs. Three to four weeks will pass before the eggs hatch. As soon as the bearded dragon eggs hatch, separate them.



A very entertaining, alluring, and distinctive bearded dragon morph is the leatherback. These creatures are simple to care for, just like other bearded dragon morphs, but they are more colorful. Your leatherback bearded dragon should live a healthy life as long as you give it the right environment and diet.

Gerald Thomas

Gerald Thomas

Bearded dragons are awesome!

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