Can Bearded Dragons Swim?

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As a reptile pet owner, you may wonder if your bearded dragon can swim. It’s not uncommon for owners to be curious about their pet’s swimming abilities, especially if they like to incorporate water into their pet’s daily routine.

In this article, we’ll answer the question of whether bearded dragons can swim. We’ll also cover some of the key considerations for providing water for your bearded dragon, the potential dangers at play, and some tips for promoting a safe and healthy aquatic environment.


Can Bearded Dragons Swim?

Yes, bearded dragons are capable swimmers. They possess strong leg muscles and can paddle in water when necessary. However, despite their strength, they’re not naturally aquatic creatures. Their natural habitats are in regions of the world that are mostly dry, such as the Australian deserts. As such, while they do have the ability to swim, it’s not something they typically do in the wild.


Why Would a Bearded Dragon Need to Swim?

Bearded dragons generally don’t need to swim for survival. However, providing regular access to water can have several benefits for your pet. For example, some bearded dragons enjoy lounging in shallow water to cool off. And, more than that, it can help promote better hydration. Many bearded dragons will drink from standing water when they’re thirsty. A soak in water can also help with shedding issues, as well as support better digestion and waste elimination.


How Deep Should the Water Be?

When it comes to providing water for your bearded dragon, it’s important to consider the depth of the water. Bearded dragons tend to prefer shallow water, especially if they’re not natural swimmers. A depth of no more than half an inch to one inch is ideal for bearded dragons. This will allow them to stand in the water comfortably, and even lie down in it for a soak, without the risk of drowning or even struggling in deeper water.


What Are the Potential Dangers of Providing Water for Bearded Dragons?

While providing water for your bearded dragon can be beneficial, there are a few potential dangers that you should be aware of. One major concern is the potential for drowning, which is why providing shallow water is so important. Additionally, if the water isn’t clean, bacteria can grow and potentially make your pet sick. Waterborne diseases and parasites can be a concern, which is why it’s important to clean the water dish regularly and replace water frequently. Finally, be aware of the temperature of the water. Water that is too hot or too cold can cause discomfort or even shock, making your bearded dragon reluctant to engage with the water in the future.


How Often Should I Provide Water for My Bearded Dragon?

When it comes to how often to provide water for your bearded dragon, there isn’t really a hard and fast rule. It will depend on how active your pet is, and how dry the environment is overall. Generally, you should provide clean water every day, either in a dish that’s large enough for soaking or a smaller dish for drinking. Monitor your bearded dragon to see if they’re using the water to drink, soak, or swim. Adjust the frequency of water soaks or baths based on how your pet responds.


What Other Considerations Should I Make When Providing Water for My Bearded Dragon?

There are a few other considerations to keep in mind when providing water for your bearded dragon. Firstly, make sure the water dish is easy for your pet to access, but not so close to the heat source that it will evaporate too fast. Choose a dish that’s shallow, easily cleaned, and won’t tip over easily. Secondly, make sure you’re using clean, fresh water. Bacteria and other microbes can build up quickly in standing water, which can make your bearded dragon sick. Finally, monitor your pet closely whenever they’re interacting with water. Be aware of their body language and make sure they’re safe in the environment you’re providing.



In conclusion, bearded dragons are capable swimmers but are naturally terrestrial animals. Providing water for your bearded dragon can be beneficial, but it’s important to keep the safety of your pet in mind. Providing shallow water, clean water, and monitoring your bearded dragon while they interact with water can help ensure a healthy and safe environment. With a little care and attention, providing water for your pet bearded dragon can be an enjoyable part of their daily routine and promoting a healthy and happy life for your pet.

Gerald Thomas

Gerald Thomas

Bearded dragons are awesome!

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